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Lab report 6

Date: October 7th 2008
Duration of activity: 8-13
Participants: Kasper, Bent and Johnny

The purpose of this exercise is to make a line following robot to compete in the robot race.

Test run 1

We decided to continue from the basis program from Lab5. To improve the car's turning ability we now decrease the motor power when turning. We found that the turning ability was highly affected when we changed from small diameter tires to large diameter tires. Of course the top speed was improved, but it seemed that the steering suffered from the high speed. In order to improve this we need to reduce the motor power while turning. After some trials we found that 90% power while turning improved the car's ability to stay on track. We now await what happens when the battery power is reduced.

marvin/lab6.1223365199.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/10/07 09:39 by rieper