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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<template name="ref_forunders" version="1.0" title="Refraktiv kirurgi forundersøgelse">
    <acl action="commit" entity="nurse/>
    <acl action="commit" entity="br"/>
  <macro name="header" static="true"/>
  <macro name="henvisning" aclread="all" aclwrite="all"/>
  <header caption="Anamnese"/>
  <macro name="allergier" requires="henvisning">
      <restrict action="read" role="all"/>
      <restrict action="write" role="doctor"/>
  <macro name="medicin" requires="henvisning" compact="true" aclread="all" aclwrite="doctor,nurse,br"/>
  <macro name="alment" requires="henvisning" aclread="doctor" aclwrite="none"/>

aclXXXXX attributes contain lists of either userids and/or groupids. Currently: 'aclread', 'aclwrite' and 'aclcommit'. aclwrite and aclread can be connected with the template and is inherited to all the contained macros.

Users and Groups:

# some config file in libconfig++ format
roles = (
          {id="doctor", contains=("nurse", "optician")},
          {id="nurse", contains=("employee")},
          {id="optician", contains=("employee")},
          {id="employee", contains=()}
users = (
          {id="akf"; name="Anne Kaufmann Frederiksen"; roles=("doctor")},
          {id="ua"; name="Ulla Andersen"; roles=("nurse")},
          {id="jbo"; name="Jens Børge Olfgård"; roles=("optician")}
pracro/acl.1302508364.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/04/11 09:52 by deva