Ingredients are created in a separate view before being usable in a recipe.
By double-clicking a new ingredient a new window appears, where the following can be associated to the ingredient:
Ingredient name
Picture of the ingredient
Short description of the ingredient
Standard unit
Minimum amount available in supermarkets and (approximate) unit equivalents of this (ie. Ingredient: “flåede tomater”; Minimum amount: “1 ds”; Equivalents: “2 1/2 dl”, “250 g”)
By double-clicking an ingredient which has got these data associated with it, a view-window appears. It is also accessible by Right-click → View.
By mouse-over of an ingredient which has got these data associated with it, the same view-window appears as a pop-up box with a different background colour after a second or so.
Edit-mode of an ingredient which has already got these data associated with it, is accessed by double-clicking the ingredient, thus bringing forth the view-window, in which an Edit-button is available. It is also accessible by Right-clik → Edit.
If an ingredient has these data associated with it, and when entered into a new recipe it is connected with a unit not associated with this ingredient, please inform the user of this with a direct link to edit-mode of this ingredient's data and an option to select the pre-associated unit and have the entered amount converted to this unit.