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Netcat disc copy

NOTE: The netcat binary can be compiled with the 'static' useflag, thereby making it a standalone binary with no lib deps. (Can be copied to a livecd and run from there).

Copy an entire partition

The client is a computer with ip

The client (the computer on which the image is to be stored) must run the following as someuser:

nc -l -p 10000 > partition.bz2

The server (the computer on which the disc to be copied resides) must run the following as root:

dd if=/dev/hda1 | bzip2 -9 | nc -q 0 10000

Copy all files on a filesystem

The client is a computer with ip

The client (the computer on which the image is to be stored) must run the following as someuser:

nc -l -p 10000 > files.tar.bz2

The server (the computer on which the disc to be copied resides) must run the following as root:

tar --preserve -cvj . | nc -q 0 10000

Copy all files on a filesystem without compression

The client is a computer with ip

The client (the computer on which the image is to be stored) must run the following as someuser:

nc -l -p 10000 > files.tar

The server (the computer on which the disc to be copied resides) must run the following as root:

tar --preserve cv . | nc -q 0 10000

Restoring files from tar

Assuming the server (the computer to have its files restored) has ip

On the client (the computer containing the backed up files) run the following:

nc -l -p 10000 | tar --preserve -xvf -

On the server, change to the directory into which the files should be restoed and run the command:

cat files.tar | nc -q 0 10000

Restoring partition from tar


Restoring disk from bz2 archive


bzcat -d centos_6.4_minimal_desktop.dd.bz2 | nc -q 0 10000


nc -l 10000 | dd of=/dev/sda
gentoo/netcat_disk_copy.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/28 08:19 by deva