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Lab rapport 4

Date: September 26th 2008
Duration of activity: 8-12.30
Participants: Kasper, Bent and Johnny

The Purpose of this exercise is too make a balancing robot, using the NXT.

Experiments with the LEGO sejway, legway.

Building the legway

First we set out to build a robot with two wheels, following the build instructions on



We used the code from Brian Bagnall, Maximum Lego NXTBuilding Robots with Java Brains, Chapter 11, 243 - 284. ( as a basis for our own program.
The default values of the PID control parameters seemed to act too violently, so initially we tried changing the them and the scale factor:

// PID constants
final int KP = 28;
final int KI = 4;
final int KD = 33;
final int SCALE = 18;

We increased the D parameter to minimize the overshoot.

Tuning PID Parameters

The easiest way to tune the parameters would be if it was possible to do a simulation and see the phasemargin, but this is not available. Therefore we have observed the behaivor of Marvin and used the manual tuning methods listed on Wikipedia at

Final code

Below are a listing of the final code:

    public void pidControl() {
	int normVal;
	int error;
	int deriv_error;
	int pid_val;
	int power;
	while (!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed()) {
	    normVal = ls.readNormalizedValue();
	    // Proportional Error:
	    error = normVal - offset;
	    if(Math.abs(error) < 3) error = 0;
	    // Adjust far and near light readings:
	    if (error < 0) error = (int)(error * 1.8F);
	    // Integral Error:
	    int_error = ((int_error + error) * 2)/3;
	    // Derivative Error:
	    deriv_error = error - prev_error;
	    prev_error = error;
	    pid_val = (int)(KP * error + KI * int_error + KD * deriv_error) / SCALE;
	    if (pid_val > 100)
		pid_val = 100;
	    if (pid_val < -100)
		pid_val = -100;
	    // Power derived from PID value:
	    power = Math.abs(pid_val);
	    power = 55 + (power * 45) / 100; // NORMALIZE POWER
	    power /= 3;
	    if (pid_val > 0) {
	    } else {


marvin/lab4.1222425516.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/09/26 12:38 by rieper