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Lab report 11

Date: November 28th 2008
Duration of activity: 8-12
Participants: Kasper, Bent and Johnny

Project Goal

Make detailed description of the end course project.


  • Make short description of the project.
  • Describe hardware/software platforms to be used.
  • Find problems to be expected during the project.
  • Make project time schedule for the project.
  • Describe what will be expected to work at the end of the project.


Project description

Make a remote controlled LegWay using a gyro.


A HiTechnic1) gyro2), and some sort of blue tooth game controller or gamepad, is needed to make the project.
The Pc should run some sort of application communicating with the robot for parameter tuning (GUI or CLI) probably through the LejOS PC API3), and the robot should of course run LejOS.




marvin/lab11.1227863904.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/28 10:18 by deva