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Speed-key concepts

Jump-to keys

Specific macro widgets get speed-keys attached which can be used to jump to (set keyboard focus) on this widget.

Selecting the widgets that are used most often might result in a speed-up. For example: Ctrl+l could enable/disable left eye and Ctrl+r could enable/disable right eye.

Speed keys on selected macros might also be of interest, but speeding up macro selection should probably be addressed in another way.

Multi-tab modifier key

Holding a modifier key (Ctrl/Alt) while pressing the tab key could emulate several presses on the tab key.


Using Home/End/PgUp/PgDown (perhaps with a modifier key) could be used to navigate through both the macro list and macro widgets (when a macro is open). Ctrl+Home could activate the first macro or first macro widget. Ctrl+End could activate the last macro or macro widget (probably the commit button). Ctrl+PgUp/PgDown could jump to specified macros of interest (often used) or macro widgets of interest (enable/disable eye for example).

A speed-key pops up a search field that can be used to navigate to a particular macro by name.

Ctrl+F opens the text field and set keyboard focus to is. Writing 'al' and pressing enter has a unique match for the “Allergier” macro (this is indicated in some manner in the GUI) which is then opened and focused.

pracro/speed-key_concepts.1352368478.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/08 10:54 by deva